Enough Room at the Table
Watch the trailer to the film.
ENOUGH ROOM AT THE TABLE is a dialogue film set at the intersection of faith, gender, and sexuality. It’s meant to model the sacred space that opens up when we gather to genuinely listen to each other and participate in each other’s lives. Our differences in beliefs, theological paradigms, and practice don’t disappear; but we stop seeing each other as position statements or labels and instead see each other as fellow beloved children of God. We start looking like the sort of people who are known by their love.
This film shows a weekend dialogue as 12 Adventists from around the United States gathered to engage and converse about topics often not discussed (or often discussed without key voices at the table). The group includes pastors, educators, parents, and LGBT+ Adventists, all from differing theological paradigms, experiences, and perspectives.
The participants didn’t know each other before this weekend, but they were committed to open, authentic, and respectful dialogue. The deeply honest, sacred, and inspiring dialogue they model is what we’re making available now. We hope this dialogue inspires viewers to host your own small group conversations in your own homes, churches, and communities as it’s a powerful and transformative process that will create ripples of hope and healing.
“The first duty of love is listening.” - Paul Tillich
This film is produced and directed by Stephen Eyer and Daneen Akers.