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The first film in the new "Outspoken" series tells the story of Yeshara, who describes herself as a "home-schooled, vegetarian, Adventist pastor's kid". Realizing she was queer in such a setting deeply shook her to her core, yet she's found her way to share her faith, her music, and her authentic self in her local church.

The second film in the "Outspoken" series tells the story of Philip, Alberto, who are deeply committed to their faith, their church, and their daughter Dalia, whom they are raising Adventist in the same church where Philip grew up.

The third film in the "Outspoken" series tells the story of Adventist Pastor Kris Widmer and his wife Debbie who are the parents of Teagan, their transgender daughter.

The fourth film in the "Outspoken" series tells the story of Camilo Nazar, a queer film student at Pacific Union College who wants to change the way LGBT people are represented in movies and on campus.

Our fifth film in the "Outspoken" series features Rhonda, a transgender woman who spent decades in turmoil because she'd always felt female, even though she was raised as a boy and tried hard to act male, even joining the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era, partly because she hoped the Army would "make a man out of me." When she finally fully came out of the closet and transitioned in her 60's, she found belonging in one of the most unlikely of places -- an Adventist church where she's an integral part of the community.

Our sixth film in the "Outspoken" series, features Keisha McKenzie, who grew up in the U.K. and Jamaica. She came out as bisexual to her Adventist family in her 20s which she describes (with typical British understatement) as a personal disclosure that resulted in “pushback, to say the least” from her family. She describes her struggle to deal with that rejection and in turn find heathy, mutual, and authentic spiritual community, which she still finds a thing worth working hard for because “we all need our people".

Our seventh film in the "Outspoken" series, tells the story of Michael who struggled to accept himself growing up in a very conservative Adventist community. He strives to navigate his relationship with his parents, who love him as well as they can but can’t quite bridge the gap now that his life is shared with a man.
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